HomeParentingThe Ups & Downs of Growth

The Ups & Downs of Growth

Growth—it’s a tricky topic for parents.

On one hand, we want nothing more than our kids to grow into capable, kind and compassionate adults.

On the other hand, time seems to slip through our fingers at a record speed that leaves us wondering how the tiny babe we worried about breaking on the way home from the hospital is now mountain biking down a rocky trail with a cliff on one side.

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We look back on the doctors’ appointments and growth charts that showed us whether our infants were “on track” and the pile of too-small clothes that need to be donated or handed down (again!) and we realize growth happens fast.

Meticulously writing the milestones like rolling over, crawling, walking, talking and feeding themselves down in the baby book somehow feel like a distant memory, and like it happened yesterday.

However, one day you seem to realize that the really important skills take longer to develop. Empathy, self-control, confidence, problem solving, organization, being a good friend, sportsmanship—these skills take time, effort, repetition, learning from mistakes, perseverance and an argument or two.

Some are learned with intention and lessons in a classroom, others are imparted when they watch you and how you act in your day-to-day lives. Whether you are helping them with their homework, teaching them to cook a meal, playing soccer, or bug hunting, you are imparting wisdom on them and you will continue to do so for years to come.

Time does fly by, but you have much longer than just the time that they are children to help them navigate the world. They will come to you long after they have moved out of your house for advice and counsel.

You will watch them fall and get back up more times than you can count, and it will break your heart but it will also help them grow into the incredible, capable, kind and compassionate people they are meant to be.

– Stacie Gaetz

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