ExploreGet to Know Nature

Get to Know Nature

Kids who experience nature’s mystery and beauty will grow up caring about protecting it. Being attentive to life helps us better understand and act on the understanding that we are all interconnected and embedded in and indebted to the Earth. Most children are curious explorers, so you don’t need to do much to cultivate their nature connection—just take them outside (rain or shine) and get out of their way!

1. Roll over a log or rock

Find a salamander, centipede, millipede or beetle!

2. Watch for butterflies

Watch butterflies basking in the sun on gravel roads, atop a pile of dung or near a puddle. To get a closer look, approach from behind, don’t make sudden movements and avoid casting a shadow. Plant a butterfly garden and watch them come to you. davidsuzuki.org/living-green/how-to-create-a- butterfly-garden

3. Catch & release a dragonfly

Dragonflies perch near wetlands or meadows and need to warm up in the sun.

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4. Find a sit spot

Find a place to sit quietly and return to again and again, use all your senses and watch natural wonders reveal themselves.

5. Star Gaze or Watch Clouds

Light pollution is a side effect of cities glowing at night. Find a dark sky pot, stay up and look up! Watch for bats, too (Don’t want to blow bedtime? Watch clouds in daylight.)

6. Make a mud pie

Digging in dirt can be a natural antidepressant. Mycobacterium vaccae, a microbe found in mud and wet soils, influences neurotransmitters that improve mood, reduce anxiety and facilitate learning.

7. Take a walk in the woods

Go on a scavenger hunt or forage for wild berries. Shinrin yoku—Japanese for “forest bathing”— boosts immune function, reduces blood pressure and stress and improves mood. The scents of trees (breathing in phytoncides, antimicrobial volatile organic compounds), the sounds of moving water and the feel of sunshine are calming.

8. Learn to read animal signs

Look for tracks, scratch marks and poop (aka “scat”). Moose scat looks like chocolate almonds, elk scat resembles chocolate kisses and deer scat looks like chocolate covered raisins.

9. Start a nature journal

Draw or write your experiences.

10. Join a family nature club

Or, launch one of your own.

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