Tweens & Teens

Body Image

What does your tween or teen see when they look at a photo of themselves or look in the...

Get a Job!

Get a job! It's a command we lob at teenagers with some regularity, particularly when the sofa cushions are...

Adolescence And My Teenage Man-Child

Adolescence had arrivedTwo days before my oldest son's twelfth birthday, he woke up grouchy. This was unusual, for this...

Navigating Romantic Rejection

The question scribbled on the inside of a neatly folded piece of paper asked “What about when someone you...
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Tweens, Teens & Technology

As a mom of three, researcher and psychiatrist with a specialty in youth addictions. I've spent the last 20...

Why Creativity Matters

Creativity and creative expression often get dismissed as trivial and impractical. However, creative perspective is an invaluable tool that...

10 Things You May Not Know About Adopting a Teen

When most people think about adoption, they think about babies. The truth is, there are hundreds of British Columbian...

Ways to Improve Parent & Teen Communication

“Mom please stop interrogating me.”My daughter says this to me more often than I care to admit. I ask...
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Period Prep Tips for Teens

“Mom, where do babies come from?” My precocious five-year-old is looking at me in the rearview mirror. She has...

Family Travel: Giving Tweens the Gift of Backcountry

Probably the greatest gift my father ever gave me was our backcountry trips. I don’t remember much about the...

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