Getting Your Kids Off Their Screens & Into Nature
These days it's become all too easy for kids to spend most of their time looking at screens. From...
The Truth About Step-Parents
There is a gaping hole in the conversation about parenting. Sure there's ample discussion about positive discipline practices, growth...
Baby Wearing
As parents, we're always looking for the one trick, the one tool, the one piece of advice that will...
Chaos Theory, Parenting Style
Chaos was the definition of my child raising adventure.When I tell people that we raised six children, the inevitable...
My New Year’s Resolution? Relax into 2023
My New Year's Resolution?It's been to relax into parenthood more—but that can be easier said than done.It's true that most...
Parenting with Presence
Parenting with presence is a great way to teach by example.“Me first!” “I want more!” “Those are mine!” are...
Teaching Your Children Joy
Long before author Marie Kondo coined the phrase “spark joy” to help her readers declutter their homes and lives...
The Case for Kindness
If you're writing a list of New Years' resolutions this season, one to consider putting near the top of...
Why I Can’t Quit Elf on the Shelf
It's that time of the year again. When I am forced to reevaluate my relationship with Ruby, our Elf...
Teaching Boundaries
It is essential that children understand boundaries because smart boundaries are critical to their development and safety. Boundaries are...