
The Importance of Social Skills in Childhood Development

As children develop and mature, social skills emerge, silently laying the foundation, for future relationships, emotional health, and general...

Vancouver Writers Fest

Students from kindergarten to grade 12 in Vancouver and across BC can interact with celebrated writers through a variety...

Youth Remembrance Contests

Honour Canada's Veterans and foster the tradition of Remembrance through visual art, writing, and video. Poster Contest participants create...

Media Literacy Week

This annual national event promoting digital media literacy across Canada takes place from October 23–27. Media Literacy Week (MLW)...
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National Child Day

November 20 is National Child Day in Canada, also celebrated across the globe as World Children's Day. On November...

Body Literacy And Finding Your Own Normal

A brilliant friend of mine has a magnet on her fridge that looks like an advertisement. It states in...

The Love of Learning

It's important to make sure children grow up loving learning rather than being anxious about performance or being hooked...

How to Put a Toddler to Sleep in 100 Easy Steps

Here's the 100 easy steps to put your toddler to sleep.1. Announce that it's time to go to bed.2....
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5 Tips to Keep Kids Reading All Summer Long

“Practice makes progress.” So said a Grade 5 class to me when I visited their school to promote the...

Want a Money-Smart Kid? Start their financial education early.

Learning a skill early in life helps create developmental building blocks. The same rule applies to financial literacy, experts...

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