Speaking Heart to Heart: Local Children’s Author a Finalist in the Canadian Book Club Awards
Growing up with speech-sound disorders, Sherry McMillan wished there was a way to feel less alone.As an adult, she...
Exploration Awaits: Books That Encourage a Life of Learning
Now that the colder and wetter weather is upon us, it can be difficult to convince our children to...
What is ‘Unschooling?’
Unschooling is a form of home-based education where children learn by exploring their own interests rather than following a...
Books That Spark Imagination
Growing up, I loved drawing, sewing and making crafts. One of my favourite memories is making a duck marionette...
Engage in the Arts: 9 reasons to register for expressive programs
Engaging in the arts gives children countless ways to express themselves creatively, build confidence and develop critical thinking skills.Here...
Are Attention Spans Shrinking?
Do you find it hard to stay focused for more than a minute or two? Recent studies have shown...
A Parent’s Guide to AI in Schools
More than 30 years ago, I failed a math test because I didn't have the right scientific calculator. It...
Books That Help You Grow
Do you want to know a couple of things I love almost as much as reading and writing? Baking...
Books to Inspire Your Adventures
Welcome to a world of wonder. In each of the books below, you and your children will be invited...
Tips to Manage Your Child’s Screen Time
Screens and digital devices are a part of life for many families—especially since the pandemic.While experts don't recommend any...